June 24, 2011

Brigadeiro com Morango e Banana Pizza Doce

In Brazil Pizza Doce, or sweet pizza, is a big thing.  It sounds a little weird at first since we are used to the savory pizzas here in the US.  But let me tell you, the sweet versions are really good and addicting!  In the past I have made what is called Romeu e Julieta, which is a sweet and savory pizza with goiabada (guava paste) and mozzarella cheese.  The guave paste serves as the "sauce" with the cheese laid over that, and each compliments the other giving a nice sweet/salty contrast which I happen to love!
Yesterday I made another pizza doce using brigadeiro (a chocolatey, fudgy, caramel made from sweetened condensed milk) and strawberries and bananas.

You should try to make your own Pizza Doce sometime!  You can get pre-made pizza dough from Trader Joes and then can put whatever toppings sound good and I promise it will come out good!  The possibilities are endless!
The two that I have mentioned are probably the most popular in Brasil, but there is also another one that is made with mozzarella, banana and cinnamon.  Yummy!  Bom Apetite!

1 comment :

  1. Also yum! I will have this for desert instead of Billy's ;] I miss you so much too;[ xoxo m:]
