July 16, 2011

I would eat that s**t

Today Jimmy and I went to Light Horse Tavern for brunch, mostly because we desired the delightful Bloody Mary they serve there.

Little did we know we were about to have one of the most amazing plates of food ever. One of the specials of the day was Chocolate Chip-Bourbon Banana Pancakes. That's right, Chocolate Chip-Bourbon Banana Pancakes. So clearly we were going to order that, and there was also an intriguing Garden Omelette with asparagus, roasted tomatoes and mozzarella cheese.

So we went splitsies. The green omelette was very good. But holy-chocolate-chips these pancakes were AMAZING. I commented that "I'm generally a savory breakfast person, but if these pancakes were on the menu I'd eat that shit everytime". I'm sorry to swear but I really was THAT excited. 

Then Jimmy suggested that while "The Foodies Finn" is cute, we should totally change the name of our blog to "I Would Eat That Shit." What do you think?


  1. Nah...I vote for [and love the name] foodiesfinn...xoxoxxo m:]

  2. oh and the menu is very... interesting;]...HOW do you stay so skinny, little one? xoxom:]

  3. No way! Don't change the name. And why fix if it ain't broke...
