July 7, 2011

Diet for Kitty

Well, I took Papi to the vet this morning, and it's official. He's overweight. To me, he is beautiful, but apparently he's obese. The last vet told us he was "big-boned" but that was 4 years ago and he's put on another 5 lbs since then. I've always just chalked his portly appearance up to his very tiny head. But the doctor even struggled a bit with the checkup because of all that extra kitty in the way. So he's going on diet food and needs to get more playtime. The good news is he seems to like the new kibble AND he gets to eat more of it!


  1. Oh my gosh...just had a minor laugh attack reading this...sorry Papi ;]

  2. he's not fat, his head is just small
