August 4, 2011

Ice Cream, East Side

So Siobhan and Grant and I all got ice cream makers for Christmas this year. So, following up Siobhan's refreshing coconut post, here's my first delicious creation: mint chocolate chip. The recipe was from Thomas Kellar's cookbook Ad Hoc at Home, which Jimmy and I got for ourselves after drooling over Harold's Christmas present from Siobhan. We used mint from our garden... soooo yummy!!!

So Grant, the pressure's on. We want to see your ice cream soon!! :)

1 comment :

  1. yummmmmmmmmmm!!! did you use eggs? or just milk and cream? and also, the next time you ate some was it really hard? i'm trying to figure out how to store it in the best way so that it doesn't become rock hard. it might be unavoidable...
