March 17, 2013

Happy St. Paddy's Day!

It's been a while, sorry folks! I have lots of stuff to post; a folder full of photos and recipe notes. I've just been busy, or lazy... or both. Probably just hibernating, like I do in the winter.

Siobhan sent me lots of fun Irish quotes earlier today, including this one: I'm troubled, I'm dissatisfied. I'm Irish. So there! That's my excuse for not blogging for a while.

But what better way to get back into it than by sharing with you this delicious I MEAN DELICIOUS chocolate stout cake that I made?? Yesterday I was at my studio and snow was coming down. It always seems to snow on or around St. Patrick's day here, which always freaks me out. I guess being from southern California it will always strike me as completely bizarre. Anyway, I was all, I can't paint right now, I really need to bake something chocolatey. You can ask Jimmy, I believe those were my exact words. So I came home and made this:

It's made with chocolate and stout! And in case you haven't guessed already, I'm having a Guinness while I type this! My cake didn't come clean out of the bundt pan as you can maybe see, but guess what! Who cares! I decorated that s**t anyway. Also, I used this year's Christmas sprinkles! Yeah, those are xmas trees making that shamrock! Here's the recipe, from the wonderful Smitten Kitchen blog.

Here's another quote Sio sent me: St. Patrick's Day is an enchanted time... a day to begin transforming winter's dreams into summer's magic! Cheers to that. 

Happy St. Patricks Day!! 

xo ~Shauna :)

1 comment :

  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! I wish I could have a piece right now!!!! (with my own stout i'm drinking) I just love Paddy's day!
